
Por Joe

Outside the wind
and snow drifts 
pile high against the cabin—
this cold, arctic night
trapping me in,
laying siege
to my log fortress.

So I turn my thoughts toward dinner:
An omelet sounds good—
with a side of bacon.
I toss a couple strips on the pan 
and watch them sizzle I
n their fat.
I start to put the rest
away, but—
Oh what the heck.

Sitting on the couch
with my eggs
and a pound of bacon
and NCIS on the TV screen,
I hit 
'play all.'
And lifting my glass 
filled with box wine
from the frig 
I raise a toast
to a good friend.


Ode to the Flannel

(I wrote this poem several years ago for another blog All Roads Lead Home.)

Roots from the ancient
mystical forest
Rich in lore and legend
The flannel makes it’s home
amongst us
And is friends with the creatures
of the earth.

It comes from the dwindling
Flannel Forests
The magical woods of Europe
To make its home
In our bedrooms and stores
And to give us strength to work

The flannel is soft
To the touch of our skin
But strong like the mighty oak
It comes in a myriad of
Unique designs--
Solid, checkered, and plaid.

The flannel stands
As a proud, valiant symbol
Of the hardworking American way
So stand and salute
The freedom of flannel
And long live the flannel today.


Boredom (An Acrostic)

     i'M bored,
if you couldn't tell.


An Apology

from different places snatch
my mind away
as we sit
and talk.
I try
to listen, to give
you my full attent—

I should read
this email, perhaps
reply, But…
That’s right. I should change
it soon and
need to be paid and
my room
needs cleaning and I
really should write
my parents and
oh I got a text
and dinner.
What am I going to—

My friends
come first.

The rest of my life
can wait.